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Aisling O'Loughlin

Aisling O'Loughlin

The mainstream media is bought and paid for, Big Pharma jargon and WEF propaganda abound. This substack is an attempt to cut through the doublespeak and re-establish journalistic ethics, on the side of the public, who have been bamboozled by expert lies

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Bill Gates' Donation to Northern Irish Company Almac for Remdesivir Research

Following Bill Gates’ money leads to some peculiar places. For a guy who’s supposed to be giving away all his wealth to the poor and needy, Gates is still worth an astonishing $154 billion according to Bloomberg’s Billionaire’s Index placin...

a month ago

Attempted Child Abductions and Helen McEntee Refuses to Budge

> “The latest thing that is happening in Ireland, it’s so bananas, only this past week, and you’d really start scratching your head - is these young immigrants are trying to snatch children. You could say it’s a psyop. Initially you’d think...

a month ago

Why has Bill Gates given a Galway pharma company €24 million? What does he want in return from Aerogen, Ireland's largest (award winning) medtech firm?

Galway based multi-national Aerogen Pharma has just received €891,000 ($959,959) from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation under its Gender Equality division according to the latest accounts for March 2024. Grant topic: Maternal, Newborn, ...

a month ago

Big Brother is Watching: Surveillance, Pepper Spray and Mercenaries. How Newtownmountkennedy changed everything.

So many cameras on Dublin’s M50 motorway. What are they preparing for? Fifteen minute cities? Another lockdown? Harder next time. No dissidents allowed to ruin the one-sided narrative like those vexatious anti-vaxxers who just wouldn’t shut...

a month ago


The writers behind this newsletter.

  • Aisling O'Loughlin

    Irish independent journalist getting to the heart of the matter.

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