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Lance's Pitcher Notes

Lance Brozdowski

Daily, data-driven thoughts on baseball


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The Pitch that Made Garrett Crochet Elite. Yoshinobu Yamamoto's Budding Slider

* White Sox Garrett Crochet has backed off his sweeper to righties. He threw the pitch 21% in April. It had an average swing-miss rate for a slider but a horrid .800+ xSLG. Since the beginning of May, his cutter usage has increased from 17%...

5 days ago

Cade Povich Debuts. Revisiting Bryan Woo's Dominance

* Mariners Bryan Woo continues to dominate. I wrote about him back here, but I wanted to touch on him again. The big flip is that he’s figured out how to manage contact against lefties. SLG allowed is down 300 points compared to last season...

6 days ago

Aaron Nola's Location Change. Who is Joey Estes?

* Orioles Albert Suarez’s fastball location has moved to his arm side. The pitch now sits up-in to righties and up-away from lefties more in his last 3 starts than in his prior 25.1 IP. The change is slightly more dramatic versus left-hande...

7 days ago

Adam Mazur's Debut. Shota Imanaga Changed His Fastball Location?

Just dropped a video on “late movement” and how a pair of bad sinkers are dominating. Check it out — YouTube Link

8 days ago

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  • Lance Brozdowski

    I'm a Player Development analyst for Marquee Sports Network. This Substack is an in-depth look at the changes pitchers make during the MLB season.

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