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The Stein Line

Marc Stein

Insider coverage of the NBA since 1994


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BringYa, um, self, to the conference finals

The Minnesota Timberwolves were laughed at when they stuffed four future first-round picks and a pick swap and Walker Kessler into a trade package for Rudy Gobert … and then signed Naz Reid to a contract extension to form a jumbo-sized fron...

23 days ago

Conference Finals Predictions Thread

Imagine an NBA Finals headlined by Jayson Tatum and Anthony Edwards.

23 days ago

This Week In Basketball can only brace for the sixth different NBA champion in a historic span of six seasons

Sunday night's Game 7 in The Tim Connelly Bowl was a true roller-coaster that delivered a stunning ending, eliminated the NBA's reigning champions after they had led by 20 points in the third quarter and gave the greater basketball public s...

24 days ago

NBA trade talk and free agency chatter ... AND the latest on Bronny James' future

My latest around-the-league notes explain why June 27 should be highlighted on your calendars ... plus a look at an emerging trade market for centers and whispers from all over the Central Division

25 days ago


The writers behind this newsletter.

  • Marc Stein

    Reporting that takes you inside the NBA since 1994

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