#1 Open Windows
Ann Telnaes Upgrade #2 DrawTogether with WendyMac
Wendy MacNaughton Upgrade #3 HIDDEN.RSRCH
HIDDEN ⓗ, James Ho Upgrade #4 Austin Kleon
Austin Kleon Upgrade #5 EKO LOVES YOU
EKO Upgrade #6 #The100DayProject Newsletter
Lindsay Jean Thomson, Tricia Fell Upgrade #7 Violet Clair - The Newsletter
Violet Clair Upgrade #8 Looking at Picture Books
Mac Barnett & Jon Klassen, Mac Barnett, Jon Klassen Upgrade #9 Creative Fuel with Anna Brones
Anna Brones Upgrade #10 Jenny’s Substack - Let's art together
Jenny Lawson (thebloggess) Upgrade #11 ART DELIVERY from The Jealous Curator
Danielle Krysa Upgrade #12 Unsupervised
Anna Fusco Upgrade #13 The Needlepoint Finishing Fairy
Amanda M, Finishing Fairy, Daniella Golden Upgrade #14 The Stitch
The Stitch Needlepoint Club Upgrade #15 Animation Obsessive
Animation Obsessive Staff Upgrade #16 Slowpoke
Carson Ellis, Bridget Watson Payne Upgrade #17 Peter Galbert's Chair Notes
Peter Galbert Upgrade #18 The Great Women Artists
Katy Hessel Upgrade #19 Paint Here
James Gurney Upgrade #20 Creative Joy Club
Susannah Conway, Nita Apple \ud83c\udf4e Upgrade #21 Introvert Drawing Club
Beth Spencer, Samantha Dion Baker, Meaghan McIsaac, Charlotte Hamilton, Melissa Upgrade #22 The Open Call List
Aidan Avery Upgrade #23 In the Flash
Dina Litovsky Upgrade #24 Katiedraws (and writes)
Katie Chappell Upgrade #25 The Lighthouse with Cait Flanders
Cait Flanders Upgrade #26 Soft Crafts by Ella Emhoff
Ella Emhoff, Emilia Petrarca Upgrade #27 It's Good to Be Here
Amy Stewart Upgrade #28 FlakPhoto Digest
Andy Adams Upgrade #29 Ceramics Now Weekly
Ceramics Now Upgrade #30 NashvilleNeedlepointer’s Substack
NashvilleNeedlepointer Upgrade #31 Draw Your World
Samantha Dion Baker Upgrade #32 BoldBrush
Clintavo, Ted Gioia, Adam Singer, Cosimo Ca$h, Angela Agosto Upgrade #33 Studio Sessions with Linda and Laura Kemshall
Laura Kemshall, Linda Upgrade #34 Subtle Maneuvers
Mason Currey Upgrade #35 Anthony Morganti on Photography
Anthony Morganti Upgrade #36 Paper Arts Collective Newsletter
Paper Arts Collective, RWB, Lester Picker Upgrade #37 Image Pilgrimage w/ Scott Erickson
Scott Erickson Upgrade #38 Meet The Mustang's
Meet The Mustangs, LISA Upgrade #39 Coloricombo Colour Prompts
Esté MacLeod's Coloricombo Upgrade #40 The River House
Samantha Demarkles Upgrade #41 GAYLETTER by Tom & Abi
GAYLETTER, abi, Thomas Jackson Upgrade #42 The Wahlflower
Phoebe Upgrade #43 Drawing the Natural World
Val Webb Upgrade #44 Seasalt and Serpentine
Melanie Chadwick, Helen C Stark Upgrade #45 The SneakyArt Post
Nishant Jain Upgrade #46 Off Leash
Taylor Randal Upgrade #47 Art Every Day
George Bothamley Upgrade #48 The Gusset
Sarah C Swett Upgrade #49 Notes on Illustration
The Illustration Department Upgrade #50 Studio Memoir
Grace Rother Upgrade #51 Animation Jobs Newsletter
Animation Jobs Upgrade #52 Benjamin Williamson Photography
Benjamin Williamson Upgrade #53 Pencil Pals
Helen Stephens Upgrade #54 Muscle’s Substack
Muscle Photographer Nobi Upgrade #55 Yan Land
Yan Palmer Upgrade #56 The Time Foragers' Club
Helen C Stark, Emma Carpendale Upgrade #57 Subversive Substack
Subversive Cross Stitch Upgrade #58 Adorable Times’ Newsletter
Alberto @ Adorable Times Upgrade #59 Foto
Michael Howard, Margaret Warren, Nick Gervin Upgrade #60 The Sunny Pages
Wendi Gratz Upgrade #61 Year of Love
Lina Scheynius Upgrade #62 Sketch Away with Suhita Shirodkar
Suhita Shirodkar Upgrade #63 Ten Minute Artist: Drawing & Journaling Prompts
Adam Ming Upgrade #64 Life Is Art
Vanessa Aldrich Upgrade #65 This Page is a Portal
Journal As Altar Upgrade #66 Real Fun, Wow!
Real Fun, Wow! Upgrade #67 Andy J. Pizza's Audio / Visual Newsletter
Andy J. Pizza Upgrade #68 ROBYN O'NEIL
ROBYN O'NEIL Upgrade #69 HiFi Makes
Hillary Fisk Upgrade #70 Cultivating Color
Lorene Edwards Forkner Upgrade #71 DisCerning Eye
Mark Jenkins Upgrade #72 Knit Together
Anne Vally Upgrade #73 slow motion multitasking
Julia Pott Upgrade #74 Something I Saw
kimberly r. drew Upgrade #75 Pelican Quilts
Pelican Quilts Upgrade #76 Bonkers Cards Weekly
Gordy Bonker Upgrade #77 The Art of Michael Whelan
Michael Whelan, Michael Everett Upgrade #78 Process by Wesley Verhoeve
Wesley Verhoeve Upgrade #79 Incidental Comics
Grant Snider Upgrade #80 gather • filter • make
Ella Beech Upgrade #81 Meno klubas
Justė Jonutytė Upgrade #82 With Working Hands
Andy Glenn Upgrade #83 The Noah Kalina Newsletter
Noah Kalina Upgrade #84 The Shock of the Now
Hector Campbell Upgrade #85 AI Art Daily
Andy Wood Upgrade #86 The Life Boat
Samantha Clark Upgrade #87 Joyce Carol Oates: A Writer's Journal
Joyce Carol Oates, Robert Friedman Upgrade #88 Small Spells
Rachel Howe Upgrade #89 Ibarionex’s The Candid Frame
Ibarionex - The Candid Frame Upgrade #90 Bits & Blobs
Helen Dealtry, Colu Henry Upgrade #91 Charlie Hunter's Reasonably Fine Art Talk
Charlie Hunter Upgrade #92 Alex Kelly Art
Alex Kelly Upgrade #93 Thick Through the Middle
Karen Sandstrom Upgrade #94 Zoe Sees
Zoe Si Upgrade #95 Echoes + Evidence
Ali Edwards Upgrade #96 LOST ART
Sarah McColl Upgrade #97 Crewdson Trail Log
Gregory Crewdson Upgrade #98 Model Society
David Bollt, Samantha Upgrade #99 SEE YOU
Carolyn Yoo Upgrade #100 Process Junkie
Jason Chatfield Upgrade #101 REAL ART DETROIT
Kim Fay Upgrade #102 The Medicine Garden
Val Alcorn Upgrade #103 Dandelion Seeds: Illustrated Essays
Candace Rose Rardon Upgrade #104 Jun-Pierre Art Notes
Jun-Pierre Shiozawa Upgrade #105 A Journal of Wonders and Curiosities
Jo Anna Dane Upgrade #106 Dan Burkholder
Dan Burkholder Upgrade #107 Collage Spamouflage
Paris Collage Collective, Petra Zehner Upgrade #108 Young Space
Young Space Upgrade #109 Creative dOOdling with Lisa Stickley
Lisa Stickley Upgrade #110 Spigot
Domenick Ammirati Upgrade #111 The Line Between
Coleen Baik Upgrade #112 Eddie Soloway • Memories, Moons & Imagination
Eddie Soloway Upgrade #113 Coffee in drawings out
Andrew James Upgrade #114 Studio Notes, by Amanda Jane Jones
Amanda Jane Jones Upgrade #115 Mikaela
Mikaela Upgrade #116 Dear Diary
Michelle Tea Upgrade #117 They Say Poetry is Dead...
Joan Kwon Glass Upgrade #118 Art Gym: Live Drawing Workshops & Illustration Tutorials
Adam Ming, Katie Stack Upgrade #119 The Gold Star Diaries
Tammi Salas, Corinne Bowen, Sondra Primeaux Upgrade #120 Christian’s Substack
Christian Robinson Upgrade #121 gamejobs.work’s weekly artist jobs
gamejobs.work Upgrade #122 Quiet Confetti by Kat Koh
Kat Koh Upgrade #123 Edge of Frame
Edwin Rostron Upgrade #124 Lindzeanne’s Studio
Lindzeanne Upgrade #125 In The Frame
Don Giannatti Upgrade #126 The Renderie by Brooke Thorn
Brooke Thorn McGowan Upgrade #127 Paul Wang
Paul Wang Upgrade #128 Upgrade #129 The Handwriting Club
Tracy Benjamin Upgrade #130 Paul Zizka: Fuelled by Creativity
Paul Zizka Upgrade #131 Upgrade #132 Lizzy’s Substack
Lizzy House, Sara Brown Upgrade #133 Checking Focus
Chris Buck Upgrade #134 Life in the Real World
Solrunn Nes Upgrade #136 Play is the Opposite of Survival Mode
Britchida Upgrade #137 Haley Wrote This
Haley Weaver Upgrade #138 The Accidental Expert
Kyle T Webster Upgrade #139 Words and Pictures by Pamela Leavey
Pamela Leavey, Writer Pilgrim by So Elite Upgrade #140 Colleen Doran's Funny Business
Colleen Doran Upgrade #141 Troy on Tour
Lindsey Troy Upgrade #142 the warren
Bobbie Notcutt Upgrade #143 Lavender Lit | Musical Analysis & Musings
Ren Ashley Upgrade #144 The Creative Flock
Emma Carpendale, Helen C Stark, La Scarlatte Upgrade #145 Rose & Scroll
Rose & Scroll Upgrade #146 Wild Lines
Jeremy Collins Upgrade #147 Embroidery Wanderlust by Elin Petronella
Elin Petronella Upgrade #148 Rambo Van Halen
Rambo Van Halen Upgrade #149 Church & Street Foto Club
Gajan Balan Upgrade #150 Londonist: Urban Palette
Londonist, Tabish Khan, Lydia Manch Upgrade #151 Baby Blue
Augusta Sagnelli Upgrade #152 Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter
Tiny Texas Houses Newsletter Upgrade #153 News from a messy desk
Charlotte Durance Upgrade #154 The Pink Teacup
Sarah Bush Upgrade #155 Recovering Your Intuitive Voice for Art+Life
Crystal Marie, Artist Upgrade #156 Gestures of Synthesis
Zed James Upgrade #157 Sketchnote Lab
Mike Rohde Upgrade #158 In Rooms
In Rooms Upgrade #159 Still Sketching
Deborah Vass Upgrade #160 Graphic Arts 101 with Casey Renae
Casey Renae Upgrade #161 Seven Senses
Sabrina Y. Smith Upgrade #162 The Monthly Dispatch from the Office of Collecting & Design
Jessica Oreck Upgrade #163 Artist's Cheat Sheet
Zoungy Kligge Upgrade #164 INTERLOPER
Alice Zoo Upgrade #165 The Haunted Librarian
Becca Lee Upgrade #166 The Art Coaching Club
Hayley Price White Upgrade #167 Hand to Paper
Eleanor Doughty Upgrade #168 Labor Intensive Art
Tabitha Arnold Upgrade #169 Badass Cross Stitch Musings
Badass Cross Stitch Upgrade #170 Upgrade #171 Amidst the Shavings
Shea Alexander Upgrade #172 Best of Pentax Forums Newsletter
PentaxForums.com Upgrade #173 Your Artist Knows the Way
Cynthia Morris Upgrade #174 The Sometimes Newsletter
Ella Frances Sanders Upgrade #175 Caravanserai
Joumana Medlej Upgrade #176 Earthling
Lindsay Stripling Upgrade #177 Doreen Frost ~ Musings on a Creative Life
Doreen Frost~Folk Artist Upgrade #178 Creative Spaces
Eleanor Ford, Sara Sadek, Lesley Anne Numbers Upgrade #179 Art by Missy Dunaway
Missy Dunaway Upgrade #180 Dans Mon Crâne
Vanessa Oliver-Lloyd Upgrade #181 Loose Watercolours with Andrew Geeson
Andrew Geeson Upgrade #182 Waxing and Weaving
Molly Reeder Upgrade #183 The Light on the Sea
Gillian Eilidh O'Mara Upgrade #184 A Photographer's Newsletter
Rowland Scherman Upgrade #185 For the Love of Landscapes
Gill Moon Photography Upgrade #186 muse-ing
RecCreate Collective, Liz Chick Upgrade #187 Your Story Matters by rukristin
Kristin Tweedale Upgrade #188 A Weaver's Diary
Christabel Balfour Upgrade #189 Straw Into Gold
Stella Lyn Norris Upgrade #190 Shade Art Review
Lou Mensah, Anne Kimunguyi, Jelena Sofronijevic Upgrade #191 Lava Lamp Lounge
Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo Upgrade #193 Ink & Lavender: Tiffany's Secret Diary
Tiffany Chan, Ed.D. Upgrade #194 Foggy Blossom Field Notes
Foggy Blossom Upgrade #195 Making It (with Marloes De Vries)
Marloes De Vries Upgrade #196 Tom Duffin’s Photography Journey
Tom Duffin Upgrade #197 Illustrated Journalism
Bill Russell Upgrade #198 Stephanitely
Stephanie Roth Sisson Upgrade #199 Drawing Life’s Substack
Siobhan Twomey Upgrade #200 Pen Powell Posts
Claire Powell Upgrade #201 Figure Model Online’s Newsletter
Figure Model Online Upgrade #202 Kevin's UnNecessary Things
Kevin Necessary Upgrade #203 Intuitive Drawing
Lettie Jane Rennekamp Upgrade #204 Poetic Printing
Cath Stonehouse Upgrade #205 Pixels, Paper & Paint - Life in Pictures by Rachel & Lynn
Rachel Jefferies, Lynn Grieveson Upgrade #206 Gerry Duggan
Gerry Duggan Upgrade #207 Art Forecast
Tatum Dooley Upgrade #208 The Muse is In
jill badonsky Upgrade #209 Seasonal Creativity
Fiona D Artisan Upgrade #210 The Big Yard
Ken Lamberton Upgrade #211 Three Threads with Katarina Wong
Katarina Wong Upgrade #212 The Wild Forgotten \ud83c\udf42
Natalie Eslick Upgrade #213 A.M. Sketching
Sue Clancy Upgrade #214 UNDONE
Manuela Thames Upgrade #215 ARTS & TEA
ARTS & TEA Upgrade #216 Depth of Field with Acacia Johnson
Acacia Johnson Upgrade #217 Reflections on Spectacle Pond
George Kinder Upgrade #218 Illustrated Life
Amy Cowen Upgrade #219 Orly Avineri
Orly Avineri Upgrade #220 Field Notes
Rowen Brooke Upgrade #221 The Calm Creative
Louise Stigell Upgrade #222 Creatively Rooted
Jen Bloomer Upgrade #223 Alice Fox’s Substack
Alice Fox Upgrade #224 The Artist Morning™
Darius Bashar Upgrade #225 Liminal Frames
Ali O'Keefe Upgrade #226 BRIGHT
Ali Mackie Upgrade #227 snack time
Ariella Elovic Upgrade #228 Open Studio
Renee Mueller Upgrade #229 Painting to See
Michael Chesley Johnson Upgrade #230 Vasari21Redux
Ann Landi Upgrade #231 Psychopolitica
Nikita Petrov, Glenn Loury, Sam Kahn Upgrade #232 Wavy Days, the Journal.
Allison James Upgrade #233 Anne Parke Art Advisory
Anne Parke Upgrade #234 Kay Foley's MerryThoughts
Kay Foley Upgrade #235 Between The Lines
Jessica Yolanda Kaye Upgrade #236 Upgrade #237 Take time out to be creative!
Clare Albans Upgrade #238 Creative Cocoon Art Club
La Scarlatte, Emma Carpendale Upgrade #239 Imago Scriptura
Edward Goode Upgrade #240 Cricklewood Nature Journal
Susannah Fisher Upgrade #241 The Picturebook Studio
Holly Surplice, Emma Levey Upgrade #242 Jesse Duquette
Jesse Duquette Upgrade #243 Now We See
Kieran Dodds Upgrade #244 Scrappy Elephant
Sarah Sweet Upgrade #245 misty mawn
Misty Mawn Upgrade #246 Dissident Muse Journal
Franklin Einspruch Upgrade #247 FROGPANTS! Podcasts, Art, Newsletter, MORE!
Scott Johnson Upgrade #248 (¯`*•.¸,¤°´✿.。.:* \ud835\udc08'м ᶤℕ \ud835\udc25\ud835\udc28\ud835\udce5ᗴ ŴιTʰ \ud835\udd44\ud835\udd50 \ud835\udcf9\ud835\udcf8\ud835\udc2bт@\ud835\udc25 *.:。.✿`°¤,¸.•*´¯)
Molly Soda Upgrade #249 Art As Work
RAJ KAUR Upgrade #250 people v. thotscholar
エミコtelemak Upgrade